the FX Mod Story

FX Light Mod Shop
Specialized in repairing, modifying and designing almost anything.
We are a  small shop of robots working with along with skilled technician.

We take pride in our work, usually doing custom specialized jobs. We build and manufacture in-house using a range of machines, such as CNC mills, 3D printers, Reflow Ovens, Cricut, etc. 

Our technician is specialized in a multitude of skills in construction, manufacturing, software programming, hardware programming, engineering.

The FX Light Mod Beginning

The whole project started, with a thought we all have had.
"A light inside a Digimon would be awesome!"

But as most of you know technically there are serval major problems with doing this. 

Over 6 weeks of engineering - more than 10 previous prototypes and 100 different designs tested.

Our current Mod manufacturing process has been refined many times over, for example we are currently manufacturing version number 74 of the PCB layout. Each Mod is individually hand crafted, with the aid of advanced manufacturing techniques like precision CNCs and Reflow Oven. All Mods are visually inspected several times throughout the process under HD microscopes. Finally the Mods are tested for functionality on a complete range supply voltages and supply currents.

Check out one of the first prototypes - DIGIMON LIGHT MOD: Early Protypes

The List of Engineering Problems to Solve.

1. Physical size limits Digimon Case (Digimon inside is very small, hard to fit even an extra small LED inside) 

2. CR2032 Battery is a very small power supply (Keeping current draw low is key, otherwise light will drain battery/reduce battery life, and potential Flicker.) (Voltage Supply is too low for Blue LEDs)

3. Designing a circuit to integrate into the Digimon's: "C Button", as well the "Screen on signal" and "Audio signal." (No additional switches should be protruding out of Digimon case)

4. Multi-color backlight, that can be synced with the Digimon Audio.

5. Designing a side-lit backlight that would that have equal dispersion within the underneath of the Digimon screen (<1.5mm), and made specific to fit with Digimon Mod FX, and drop right into Digimon case.

6. Must be DIY friendly, with no confusion install. 

7. While offering much more than alternative light mods, yet being competitive with costs.

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